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Dog Facts

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  • A puppy's eyes do not open until it is 10 to 15 days old. Its vision is usually not complete until it is about four weeks old.

  • At birth puppies are deaf, blind, and have almost no sense of smell. They stay near their mother and siblings because of the warmth.

  • Puppy love is the beginning of a lifetime affair for most dog owners.

  • Puppies should remain with their mother until they are at least eight weeks old. During this time, she will teach them not to bite, and how to get along with other dogs.

  • Dogs are submissive to those they feel have higher pack status.

  • Train your dog from day one, so she will think of you as the leader of the pack. Dogs instinctively want to earn the pack leader's approval.

  • The most confident puppy in a litter often makes the worst pet because he sees himself as the pack leader.

  • A dog can suffer from a poor self-image, just like humans. Bolster self-esteem with praise, affection and rewards.

  • To a young, exercise and play are the day's most important events. As a dog gets older, he lives for dinner time.

  • Even after your dog is old enough to be fed only once a day, he should be given a morning snack just to calm his rumbling tummy.

  • Family dogs who growl when family members are roughhousing aren't upset, they're just asking to become part of the game.

  • Give your new puppy its own sleeping den, even a simple cardboard box will do; this will make her feel more secure.

  • Ignore your new puppy's whining when you first isolate it for sleeping. If you don't you will only encourage it to whine more.

  • There's no such thing as a dumb dog; after all, while we're out working all day, they're home sleeping.

  • Sign up for obedience school.

  • The most important thing you can teach your dog is to sit and stay on command. Any time you are having behavioral problems with your dog, begin your training by reteaching him to sit and stay.

  • A dog needs to work off excess energy every day.

  • Mixed-breed dogs usually have behavioral traits similar to the breed they most resemble in appearance.

  • When a small dog is aggressive toward people, don't pick him up. This only reinforces the behavior since he will see it as a reward.

  • Teach your dog to play catch.

  • Anyone can buy a dog, but it takes a kind owner to set its tail wagging.

    Dog Facts Page 5

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